Whether you are building a new home and need a water heater installation or you are finally ready to upgrade your old water heater, call Modern Plumbing Industries (MPI). Our team of water heater experts can ensure that you find the best water heater for your home and personal hot water usage habits.
As concerns about environmental impact – as well as the cost of energy – increases, many homeowners are looking for ways to make their home more efficient and environmentally friendly. If this is a priority that you have, ask MPI about the installation of a GE hybrid water heater in your Orlando home. These innovative devices make using hot water in your home more efficient than ever before.
The GeoSpring hybrid water heater from GE is an industry leader in efficiency. Boasting the best energy efficiency levels of any 50 gallon water heater on the market, the GeoSpring can help you cut down on energy use in your home while still heating water effectively. The key to the efficiency with which GE hybrid water heaters work lies in their use of energy.
Hybrid water heaters use a built-in heat pump to draw in existing heat from the surrounding environment. This allows them to use much less direct heating fuel, such as natural gas. If the system is overwhelmed it can make use of direct heating sources such as natural gas to increase its output. In eHeat mode, the water heater will use the heat pump exclusively.
You are also able to lower the temperature that your water heater works to attain, further boosting energy efficiency. Make use of settings such as vacation mode to trim costs when you are away. The amount of control that a GE hybrid water heater, paired with its highly efficient operation, makes reducing energy consumption in Orlando simple.
For more information about GE hybrid water heaters in Orlando, call Modern Plumbing Industries, Inc. (MPI). We are always happy to help our loyal customers save money in their homes. Let us handle your GE hybrid water heater installation, maintenance and repair services so that you can enjoy the full benefit of your device. Call today for more information.