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Why You Should Avoid DIY Plumbing Repairs


When something goes wrong with your plumbing, it can be tempting to try to fix it yourself. You might be worried about having to wait for a scheduled repair, or the cost of a professional plumber, and hey, you’ve seen the aisles of pipes and connectors at hardware stores. You can probably find what you need, right? How hard can it be?

The answer is that there are a couple of things it’s perfectly reasonable for an inexperienced person to attempt when there’s a plumbing problem. But for the most part, plumbing needs to be left to the professionals. Why are DIY plumbing repairs so risky?


Have you been taught how to install, maintain, and repair pipes, fittings, and valves? Have you ever completed a course or taken a class in diagnosing and addressing plumbing emergencies? A professional plumber has spent many hours learning how to do these things and more, so they can quickly see what the source of a problem is and efficiently provide solutions.


Did you know that plumbing apprentices spend years shadowing and learning from master plumbers before they begin working on jobs alone? Not only are they gaining on-the-job experience, but they are also benefiting from the tremendous experience of someone who has spent many years, often decades, in the trade. This simply isn’t something you can gain from watching a few how-to videos.

Certification, Licensing, and Insurance

A professional in plumbing repair in Water Park, FL can’t just claim to have training and experience. They must be certified and licensed to do specific jobs, which is especially crucial if your plumbing problem involves your gas lines. And the company must carry insurance, so if your home is damaged by their workers, you won’t be left high and dry trying to pay for it. If you attempt a plumbing repair, you can end up costing yourself much more in accidental damage than you would save by not paying for a professional plumber in the first place.


Not only can amateur plumbers cause damage to their own plumbing, but they can also cause damage to themselves. Professional plumbers are knowledgeable and practiced in doing their jobs safely and avoiding any potential risks. 

Professional Tools

Many of the tools professional plumbers use on a daily basis are potentially dangerous to use without any training, not to mention prohibitively expensive for the average person. And of course, there’s no reason to own thousands of dollars worth of plumbing equipment, like hydro-jetting machines and motorized drain augers, just to use on one home on rare occasions. 

Jobs You Can DIY

For people without extensive plumbing experience, there are still two tools you should have at your disposal and use freely when dealing with clogs: a plunger and a hand-cranked drain snake. If you can’t resolve the problem with those tools, don’t reach for a bottle of caustic chemicals that claim to clean drains. They’re hazardous to your health and your pipes and can make problems worse in the long run. Reach out to a professional plumber instead.

Contact Modern Plumbing Industries, Inc. today and reach professional plumbers with the training and experience your plumbing deserves.

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